Thursday, September 20, 2012

Top Ten Kodak Tips

                                                           Plain Background

                                                              Move In Close

                                                           Vertical and Move In Close


                                                                Move From The Middle

                                                                 Be The Director

                                                           Watch The Lighting

                                                          Get Down To Their Level

                                                    Verticle and Move From The Middle

                                                        Verticle and be The Director

                                             Be the Director, Watch the Lighting, and Verticle

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What I Know About Photoshop

I honestly dont have a clue when it comes to photoshop. However I am a fast learner so I sure it will not take long to learn. I mean I know the basics but thats about it.

September 11th

This picture captures the horror of a sad day not to long go, September 11, 2001. The day we lost our twin towers. The explosion was loud and the flames as you can see were a mixture of red hot flames and smoke that filled the area. This was a day that will never be forgot.